Super Duper Detox Juice
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Super Duper Detox Juice Ingredients A delicious detoxifying juice that's packed with nutrition and anti-inflamatory ingredients!
Recipe type: Juice
Serves: 24oz.
  • 5 Dino/black Kale leaves
  • 2 oranges (I used medium sized navel oranges), peeled
  • 5 carrots (med/large)
  • 2 beets (medium sized), cut into chunks
  • 3 beet stems
  • start with a 1 inch piece of ginger and add more to taste
  1. Wash all fruits and veggies.
  2. Add all ingredients to your juicer per the instructions, run through a sieve if necessary, and store in a mason jar in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  3. Serve cold or over ice if preferred.
  4. *Each piece of fruit/veggie will vary in the amount of juice you get from it, and also depending on your juicer. This recipe yielded approximately 24 oz. of juice for me. A good rule of thumb for this combo is to do ⅓ beet, ⅓ carrot, ⅓ orange juices, add your kale leaves, and then the ginger to taste.
Recipe by High Vibe Lifestyle at